Sunday, July 31, 2011

Special little lady

I love my little Audrey!
We just finished an awesome camping trip up in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons with both kids. At one point Adam's cousin Noah came to join for a night and I realized I needed breakfast stuff to cook for all of us so Audrey and I headed to the store.
She was so excited to come help me and I was thrilled to have special Audrey time! As soon as we got into the car she suggested listening to a song called "Marvelous Little Toy" on the way there and daddy song called "Surfin Birds" on the way back. And so we did... I turned it up fairly load and started rockin out to "Marvelous Little Toy" and Audrey just squealed with joy and promptly joined right in. We sang at the top of our lungs all the way down to the store.
Before going into the store, I told Audrey everything we needed. She was the perfect little helper. She reminded me of items, helped pick out meaty bacon and un-cracked eggs. And she even helped pay the cashier during checkout by handing him my card.
It was a perfect little Audrey date.

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